Promo Code: $20 free credits on DigitalOcean.

This is just a quick post to tell you about a promo code I came across that gives you $10 in credits on DigitalOcean couple that with the additional $10 free credit you get when joining from an affiliate link, with the lowest tier VPS from DigitalOcean, that is about 4 months of totally free hosting.
The way this works is like this: you have to sign up for a Digital Ocean account using this affiliate link:, this will grant you $10 in credits and also give me $25 as a referral comission, in addition to that, you can get another $10 credits by using the code ALLSSD10 on the "manage payment" page ( Login -> Billing -> Manage Payments -> Look at the bottom of the page ) after signing up for a digitalocean account, your account should be credited an additional $10 and you should see this:

Now spin up a droplet and build something!
Earlier this month I decided I'd be a little bit old-school and spin up a Gopher server, you can check that out here.
I might post a tutorial later on how to install and setup a Gopher server on a DigitalOcean droplet, but until then, Enjoy.