Intersecting/overlapping dates in MySQL
I recently tried to solve a problem of checking if a certain user was available for work within a certain time period based on other entries in a table containing start and end dates.
When searching online I didn't find quite as much information as I had hoped, however found a very useful illustration that helped me visualize the problem more easily

From this i wrote the following SQL code
FROM table
(`start_date` <= '2017-05-01' AND `end_date` >= '2017-04-01')
OR (`start_date` >= '2017-05-01' AND `start_date` <= '2017-04-01' AND `end_date` <= '2017-04-01')
OR (`end_date` <= '2017-04-01' AND `end_date` >= '2017-05-01' AND `start_date` <= '2017-05-01')
OR (start_date >= '2017-05-01' AND start_date <= '2017-04-01')
Another interesting problem I had is that in my case, the table did not contain the end_date column, however contained a duration column, which measured the duration of a certain job in days, from this we can use some MySQL Function magic to create a column alias that will be the end_date:
When doing this we have to use HAVING instead of WHERE because WHERE can not perform "queries" on column aliases.
DATE_ADD(start_date, INTERVAL duration DAY) AS end_date
FROM jobs
(`start_date` <= '2017-05-01' AND `end_date` >= '2017-04-01')
OR (`start_date` >= '2017-05-01' AND `start_date` <= '2017-04-01' AND `end_date` <= '2017-04-01')
OR (`end_date` <= '2017-04-01' AND `end_date` >= '2017-05-01' AND `start_date` <= '2017-05-01')
OR (start_date >= '2017-05-01' AND start_date <= '2017-04-01')
If you get the following error:
Non-grouping field 'start_date' is used in HAVING clause
Try disabling strict mode, if you are using laravel, you have to edit your mysql driver in config/database.php like this:
'mysql' => [
'driver' => 'mysql',
'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''),
'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),
'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),
'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),
'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
'prefix' => '',
'strict' => true,
'engine' => null,
'modes' => [ // <- Add this
I hope that helps the next poor soul that have a similar problem.